Acupuncture Baton Rouge

Clinic Hours

Appointments are available at Acupuncture Wellness Center:

Monday: 1st appt @ 8:30 AM - last appt @ 5:30 PM
Tuesday: closed (some time this summer we will begin offering morning appts)
Wednesday: 1st appt @ 8:30 AM - last appt @ 5:30 PM
Thursday: closed (some time this summer we will begin offering morning appts)
Friday: 1st appt @ 8:30 AM - last appt @ 4:00 PM

Call and set up an appointment today. If this is your first visit, consider filling out new patient forms prior to your arrival.

Clinic Policy Regarding Appointments:

We have a limited number of appointments available any given day and we spend ample time with each patient coming in for treatment. We do our best to run on time; rarely will you have to wait any longer than five minutes once you arrive, if you have to wait at all.

We respect your time and ask that you respect ours. If you need to cancel an appointment we ask that you do so before the end of the previous business day. If you cancel on the same day as your appointment, or if you fail to show for your appointment, you will be charged for the appointment you scheduled.

Thank you for your understanding of our policy and for your cooperation.